Jolt designs

  • Our Approach
  • Our Approach
  • Our Approach
  • Our Approach
  • Our Approach
  • Our Approach
  • Our Approach

Stage 1: Getting the Lowdown

This is where we sit down for a good old chat. We’ll shoot the breeze about your business, your vision, and your brand. You’re the expert here, so spill the beans – we’re all ears! The more we know, the better we can tailor your site.

Stage 2: Cookin' up Concepts

Taking the juicy tidbits from our chat, we get cracking on the design. We’ll whip up some concepts and bounce them off you, finessing them until they’re just right. Your two cents matter here – after all, it’s your show!

Stage 3: Code Crunching

Once you’re happy with the design, we roll up our sleeves and dive into the coding deep end. But you’re not left on the poolside – we’ll keep you posted with updates and sneak peeks, so you can see your site coming to life.

Stage 4: Ready, Set, Launch!

The big day! Your site goes live, and the champagne corks pop! But we’re not taking our foot off the pedal – we keep an eye on your site’s performance, tweaking and fine-tuning to make sure it runs like a dream.

Stage 5: We've got Your Back

Your website is like a pet – it needs love and care to stay happy. That’s where we come in, providing ongoing support and maintenance to keep your site purring. This isn’t just a one-and-done deal – we’re in it for the long haul.

So, why Choose Jolt Designs?

Choosing us means getting a custom-made website, handcrafted with love – no templates, promise! But it also means being part of the process, every step of the way. We’re not just designing websites – we’re making your vision a reality. So, ready to start something amazing with us?

Want to work with us?